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Are You Looking for Good Ideas for Your Home of Office?
Here are some Handy Tips from Handy Manny N.C.
For Easy Living Automate Your Sliding Door
Handy Manny N.C. sells and installs automated sliding door systems that attaches to your existing sliding doors. For as little as $499 your existing sliding door can open for you every
time. No more pulling that door open, just press the button and enjoy the outside. Works on inside sliding doors also. Your neighbors will envy you. Great for the elderly
or handicap. Have questions....just give us a call today.
Create a New Vista with a Garden Plateau
Do you have a yard that ends at your neighbor’s fence? But the Rocky Mountains start behind your neighbor’s yard? In that case, you should move to another level. We will design a stylish and
well-proportioned garden plateau for you, which you can use for a set of patio furniture, a group of trees, or just for a little stroll. Our plateaus have a solid foundation and are framed with
picturesque nature walls. Upon request, we can further enhance your new landscaping with a matching lighting concept.
Organization Is Everything
Life is so much more enjoyable when everything has its own place in your home or office. Most spaces can be used more efficiently, thus giving you peace when locating items. Handy Manny N.C. can custom-make shelves, racks, and storage spaces to make your life easier. Walk-in closets, kitchen pantry and linen closet, even to the garage and laudry room, we've done it all, so go ahead and call.
Sign Up For Our Free Monthly Newsletter
Our free monthly newsletter includes helpful tips on how to keep your home maintained easily and cost affordably. Also, stay informed on the up-to-date news relative to the new green movement, which includes many federal tax incentives and savings for you. Sign up here!
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